Sungjoon Kweon
Ph.D course / sjkweon@inu.ac.kr
M.S. 2021, Department of Energy and Chemical Engineering,
Incheon National University, Incheon, Korea.
B.S. 2018, Department of Energy and Chemical Engineering,
Incheon National University, Incheon, Korea.
Research interest:
1. Zeolite synthesis with interzeolite transformation
2. Dry reforming of methane on various zeolite-based catalysts
3. VOCs adsorption on various zeolite-based adsorbents

Trinh Thuan Khiết Nguyen
Integrated course / trinh1999@inu.ac.kr
B.S. 2022, Department of Chemistry,
University of Science, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam.
Research interest:
1. Adsorption of chlorine-containing organic compounds

Linh Mai Tran
Master course / mailinh00@inu.ac.kr
B.S. 2022, Physics and Education, Faculty of Physics,
Hanoi National University of Education, Hanoi, Viet Nam.
Research interset:
1. VOCs adsorption on zeolite-based adsorbents

Jun Seong Park
Master course / jspark144@inu.ac.kr
Research interest:
1. Zeolite synthesis with interzeolite transformation

Na Young Lee
Bachelor course / skdud8182@inu.ac.kr
Research interest:
1. Zeolite synthesis with interzeolite transformation

Sanggil Moon
Ph.D course (part time) / sgmoon@ecoprohn.com
Research interest:
1. Pyrolysis of plastic waste on zeolite-based catalysts